Security Alert Requirements
Before submitting an alert, please review the guidelines below to ensure proper action has been taken and all required information is submitted.
Reports must avoid the accusation, suggestion or implication of theft. Do not make statements as to whether or not to do business with the subject of the alert. Please note that by submitting this information to ARA/TRA, the reporting member firm accepts full responsibility for the accuracy of all information contained in the report. ARA/TRA reserves the right to edit any portion of these reports, and is under no obligation to publish any information provided.
Theft of Services:
1. A certified letter must be sent to the suspect before a security alert can be sent out.
2. Be sure to include the outstanding balance on the account.
3. The outstanding balance must be more than $200.
Theft of Equipment:
1. A police report must be filed before a security alert can be sent out. Without a police report the equipment is considered missing, rather than stolen.
2. Be sure to include the replacement cost of the equipment in addition to the balance due on the rental.
3. The replacement cost of the equipment plus the outstanding balance due on the rental must be more than $200.
See sections 31.03 (equipment) and 31.04 (service) in Chapter 31 of the Texas Penal Code to learn more.
Fill out the form below or complete a paper form.